BARTLEY F. HOWELL, farmer, Sec. 6 ; P. O. Havana;
was born in Lycoming Co. Penn., April 29, 1828, and is a son of Nathan and Anna
(Richart) Howell, the former a native of Pennsylvania, and the latter of New
Jersey (near Mt. Bethel); the family came to Illinois in 1840, locating in
Havana Township, this county, in April of that year; Mr. Howell worked on his
father's farm till about 21 years of age, when he became a tiller of the soil on
his own aceount: he made his first purchase of land, when about 16 years old. On tho 15th of November, 1849, he married Miss Amanda, daughter of Reuben and Susanna (Boyer) Henninger; she was born in Dauphin Co., Penn.; they have had six children, five of whom are living: John W., Mary M., Susan E., Lovina I. and Charles C.; Frances L., died Aug. 8, 1858. Mr. Howell, by nuture well endowed by habits well preserved, shows a record of health and physical force rarely met; he has, during the last thirty-nine years, worked in every harvest and plowed every season, without the loss of a week by sickness; he owns 170 acres of land in Havana Township.